by Cristían Irribarra
Few things are more alluded to in the field of science and technology in today’s news and cultural programs in Chile than Astronomy and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Interestingly, we rarely hear of how both disciplines have symbiotically empowered each other, pushing the edges of the computational paradigm at breakneck speed. The cutting edge in data storage and computing power is updated with each new super telescope to be inaugurated.
Downloading or pre-processing a modest set of astronomical data on a conventional laptop can take hours and even days, an alternative is imperative with the EELT and LSST just around the corner, promising hundreds or perhaps thousands of Terabytes of data per week. Furthermore, the computing power required for an expedited investigation is vastly greater than what can be expected with a personal computer. The management of these huge databases is today the work of Data Centers around the world, giving way to the birth of “Astro-informatics”, at the national level, the first center dedicated to this is ChiVO (Chilean Virtual Observatory).
The cutting edge in data storage and computing power is updated with each new super telescope to be inaugurated.
ChiVO is not only a warehouse with about a Petabyte (that’s a million Gigabytes) of storage capacity, but it also has services and software aimed at facilitating data processing: algorithm libraries for on-line processing, data simulators for the development of AI models, interfaces and manipulators of astronomical images are some of them.
“Data science is growing and in Chile astronomy is, clearly, one of its main drivers. “
It will undoubtedly be interesting to see how the convergence between better and better telescopes, more powerful astronomical instruments and more advanced tools for data processing will cause unprecedented discoveries in both basic science and applied computing, and with Chile as headquarters. AI will be the main driver and the area that benefits the most from this. How exciting it is to think about what kinds of tasks the algorithms of the near future will master with so much data at their disposal!
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